We always have an eye out for excellent postdocs.
To explore possible opportunities, email Ed Vul with a brief summary of your background and goals and your CV.
PhD students
We are always looking for qualified Ph.D. students who are passionate about understanding how the mind works.
Given the interdisciplinary research in our lab, we consider students from a wide variety of backgrounds (psychology, cognitive science, economics, computer science, machine learning, etc.). Although successful applicants generally have prior quantitative training and computer programming experience, we consider exceptionally promising candidates with a wide array of backgrounds.
To apply: submit an application to the UC San Diego Department of Psychology and select Ed Vul as the primary advisor. It is advisable to email Ed before applying with some information about your background, technical skills, and research interests.
The psychology department offers competitive graduate student support that is not restricted to U.S. citizens.
Undergraduate research assistants
We usually have opportunities for highly motivated undergraduate research assistants with an interest in behavioral science, computational modeling, and data analytics. For further details about work in the lab as an undergraduate, look here.
If you're interested in volunteering in the lab or doing a "199" for course credit, please use the UCSD REAL portal to find our listing (Computational Cognition Lab) and fill out the required forms.